Spiritualism is open to all, but that doesn’t mean you can taste success overnight. Instead, it is a gradual process, and to achieve success in your spiritual journey, you have to follow certain spiritual activities daily.
These simple and everyday spiritual practices are to be practiced daily. If you adhere properly, they will prepare you to travel in the path of spiritualism.
The Simple and everyday Spiritual Practice Ideas
Below are some of the Simple, Everyday Spiritual Practice Ideas that aid your spiritual progress.
Read a spiritual scripture or book:
Make use of the spiritual literature that has been made available by the great preceptors and saints. Develop the habit of reading Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads, Ramayana, Mahabharata, and Puranas daily, at least for some time. You may read them in the morning after doing your pooja and in the night before going to bed.
You can read great saints and spiritual masters like Adi Sankara, Sri Ramanuja, Sri Madhava, Sri Ramakrishna, Bhagawan Ramana Maharishi, Sri Aurobindo, and many more. The ancient spiritual scriptures and the books of saints contain useful life lessons that will cultivate your spirituality.
Meditation is a genuine and popular spiritual practice. The human mind is very oscillating, and it isn’t easy to keep it under control. The ancient masters devised meditation as the solution to the problem of controlling the mind. Meditation exists since time immemorial. Lord Shiva, a primary deity of Hinduism, is popularly depicted in a meditating pose. There are several schools of meditation, and you can choose the one that suits you best. It is ideal to begin meditation after receiving initiation from a spiritual guru. Once you have been initiated, ensure to practice meditation at least for few minutes a day.
Follow a Guru:
Gurus are accorded the highest status in Hinduism. The Sanskrit term ‘Guru’ means ‘one who dispels darkness. The Guru-Shishya tradition had existed in India from time immemorial. The Guru initiates the disciple into the spiritual journey by giving him a mantra. The disciple will chant the mantra given to him and will invoke the mentioned in that mantra. A person can chant a mantra without being initiated by the Guru, but it won’t be that effective. Being thankful and devoted to your Guru will aid your spiritual practice.
Track your spiritual progress:
If you are practicing spirituality gradually, you will experience positive transformation. It would be best if you made a note of the changes that happen in your spiritual life. You may take note of your progress and see if you are meeting your spiritual goals. A spiritual diary and spiritual logbook will help to further your spiritual discipline and progress more. Many spiritual gurus advise their disciples to maintain a spiritual diary.
Keep an eye on your breathing:
How you breathe is very important in spiritual life. A spiritual student should inhale and exhale slowly and deeply. Right breathing will reduce anxiety and help you to concentrate easily during meditation. The Pranayama breathing technique is an effective way to learn the art of breathing. Be sure to learn pranayama from trained teachers or experts and follow the right way of breathing.
Daily Prayer:
Prayer is a simple and effective tool to progress spiritually. Allot sometime in the morning and night for your daily prayers. You might read out a hymn or chant a daily prayer of your choice. Prayer connects you to the higher power and turns you pure. If you wish, you can occasionally take part in group prayers too. Initially, you can start praying for yourself and your family and later include the welfare of others and the world in your daily prayers. Slowly you will become selfless and start loving everyone.
Fasting is the skipping of meals on a marked day for the sake of ***. How many meals you are skipping for fasting depends on your health and personal preference. One may also choose to go for an all-liquid diet during a fasting day can intake milk and juice. Fasting helps you to control your sensory pleasures and concentrate on . You can fast once in 15 days or once a month.
Take Care of your body:
Saints have compared the human body to a temple and the soul to ***. You have born with a body, and you will have to use it for your spiritual progress. Doing yoga and following a proper diet will ensure a healthy body and will keep away diseases. You can meditate easily by practicing yoga and adhere to a proper diet. Learn yoga from certified yoga teachers and follow a healthy diet.
The above eight are the Simple and Everyday Spiritual Practice Ideas help you succeed in your spiritual goals. Put these eight ideas into practice right away and witness the positive transformation yourself.